Michael SnyderThe American DreamThursday, May 31, 2012
Over the next several days, more than a hundred of the most powerful people on the planet will attend a secret conference at a hotel in Chantilly, Virgina. Some of the biggest names in politics and business will be there.

The hotel is going to be completely locked down and will be swarmed by hordes of security guards carrying machine guns. This conference is so important that even the U.S. Secret Service is rumored to be involved in providing security. These meetings have been held yearly since 1954, but no record of what goes on at them has ever been officially released to the public and all the attendees are sworn to secrecy. Decisions made at this conference will affect the lives of every man, woman and child on the planet. But the vast majority of Americans will have no idea that the Bilderberg Group is meeting about 20 miles from Washington D.C. this year because the mainstream media in the United States ignores the Bilderberg Group almost entirely year after year. Based on the coverage it gets from the U.S. media, you would think that the Bilderberg Group was a non-event. But if some of the most powerful people on the planet are getting together to discuss our future, don’t you think the mainstream media should be covering it?
The Bilderberg Group is much more than just a social club. It has played a major role in shaping the direction of the world since it was created in 1954. The Bilderberg Group helped create the European Union and it helped create the euro. This year efforts to save the euro are rumored to be high on the agenda.
And considering the big names that show up at this conference on a yearly basis you would think that the U.S. media would be extremely interested in it. The following is just a sampling of the big names that have attended Bilderberg
in recent years….
Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Prince Charles, David Cameron, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner, Rick Perry, David Rockefeller, Herman van Rompuy, Jean-Claude Trichet, Jeff Bezos, Chris R. Hughes, Eric Schmidt, Craig J. Mundie, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Richard Perle, Paul Volcker, Lawrence Summers, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden
Isn’t that enough star power to get the attention of the mainstream media?
A complete list of the “official attendees” of the Bilderberg Group from last year
can be found right here.
You would think that this would be big news.
But apparently there is so much else going on in the world that there isn’t any room to cover the Bilderberg Group.
For example, right now on USA Today you can find the following headlines
on the front page….
-Trilogies spring up on reading lists
-Spelling still matters in era of texting, spell check
-Many chain stores now add a toy aisle for adults
Perhaps other news sources are discussing more important news.
Then again, perhaps not.
On the front page
of CNN, you can currently find the following headlines….
-Airline seat squeeze: It’s not just you
-Group: Prove Romney’s not a unicorn
-Scientists confirm ‘old person smell’
No wonder CNN is experiencing record low television ratings.
The mainstream media may be ignoring Bilderberg, but based on the level of security around the hotel you would be tempted to think that it was the most important event in the United States this year.
A recent article
by Paul Joseph Watson discussed some of the extraordinary security measures that are being implemented to protect this conference….
Undercover Fairfax police, secret service, hotel security, as well as diplomatic service personnel are all now rushing to finalize preparations for the arrival of Bilderberg members tomorrow morning.
According to London Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton, conference organizers were also using iPhones to film guests who had arrived for brunch. Regular guests as well as journalists are also having background checks run against their names.
Alex Jones also heard discussions between members of Bilderberg security about how sophisticated surveillance equipment using satellites was being used to tap phones of prominent activists and media personalities set to cover the event.
So why doesn’t the mainstream media want to cover this?
In the past, a number of top politicians (including future U.S. presidents) have attended Bilderberg prior to getting elected to very important positions. A recent
WorldNetDaily articledetailed a few examples of this phenomenon….
George H.W. Bush attended in 1985. He became president in 1988. Bill Clinton attended in 1991. He became president a year later. Tony Blair attended in 1993. He became prime minister of England in 1997. Romano Prodi attended in 1999. Later that year he became president of the European Union Commission. In 2004, Sen. John Edwards spoke to the group. He was later anointed the Democratic vice presidential nominee by presidential candidate John Kerry.
It is even rumored that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
held a secret meeting at Bilderberg back in 2008.
Amazingly, there are indications that Barack Obama may have held a little “pre-Bilderberg meeting” again this year. According to
the Economic Policy Journal, Obama snuck away from reporters on Saturday for some mysterious reason….
Of note, President Obama disappeared this weekend.. Reporters were miffed. Was it a pre-Bilderberg meeting for the Prez?
On Saturday, West Wing Report had these odd tweets:
President arrived 1:10 ET at Andrews golf course. Playing today with regulars Marvin Nicholson; Walt Nicholson & Pete Selfridge
President back at White House. In a breach of longtanding policy, his motorcade departed without hooking up with the waiting press vans.
Pool does not know first hand when the president left Andrews, what route he took, or when he arrived at White House
Press pool always accompanies the president wherever he goes. Decades-long tradition violated again.
Remember, if the President meets someone outside the White House, it isn’t logged in on WH records amd there is no record if the press aren’t there to record it.
So where did Obama go during that missing time and why did he ditch the press?
They will probably never tell us.
The truth is that the mainstream media is the biggest “gatekeeper” of all.
They decide what is important and what is not important.
They decide what is going to be in “the news” and what the American people are going to be talking about.
They choose to totally ignore the Bilderberg Group and so most Americans will not even hear about it this year.
And that is really sad. The truth is that those that attend Bilderberg have big plans for all of us.
David Rockefeller, a regular attendee at Bilderberg meetings, wrote the following in a 2003 book entitled “Memoirs”….
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the fact that a bunch of elitists are holding secret conferences where they discuss how to build a “more integrated global political and economic structure”.
The future of America should be in the hands of the American people – not in the hands of secretive global elitists that desire to shape the world in their own image.
Please share this information and other articles you can find about the Bilderberg Group with as many people as you can. The mainstream media is not doing their job, so it is up to all of us to get the truth out.