Sovereign Man
Notes from the Field
Date: May 31, 2012 Reporting From: New York City
One of breakout standup routines from the late, great George Carlin was his 1972 monologue "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television." In the presence of polite company, I shall not repeat them...
I wish I could say the same about the Department of Homeland Security... I wish I could say this is all a big joke... that the government's "377 words you can never use online" is just some stupid comedy routine.
But it's not. And you just can't make this stuff up.
After vigorous resistance, the Department of Homeland Security was finally forced into releasing it's 2011 Analyst's Desktop Binder. It's a manual of sorts, teaching all the storm troopers who monitor our Internet activity all day which key words to look for.
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Facebook, a.k.a. the US government's domestic intelligence center, is the primary target for this monitoring... though it's become clear so many times before that various departments, including the NSA and FBI, are monitoring online activity ranging from search terms to emails.
Domestic spying is typically denied in public and swept under the rug. After all, it's legality has always been questionable... if not entirely Unconstitutional.
Yet month after month it seems, there is new legislation introduced to deprive Internet users of their privacy and make the open collection of data a natural part of the online landscape.
Homeland Security's key word 'hotlist' is really no surprise... they're just the ones to get caught.
So now we know, at least, what these goons are looking for. Sort of.
According to the manual, DHS breaks down its monitoring into a whopping 14 categories ranging from Health to Fire to Terrorism. It's a testament to how bloated the department's scope has become.
Afterwards there is a list of 377 of key terms to monitor, most of which are completely innocuous. Exercise. Cloud. Leak. Sick. Organization. Pork. Bridge. Smart. Tucson. Target. China. Social media.
Curiously, in its 'Critical Information Requirements', the manual decrees that analysts should also catalog items which may "reflect adversely on DHS and response activities."
Absolutely unreal. Big Brother is not just watching. He's digging, searching, reading, monitoring, archiving, and judging too.
Have you hit your breaking point yet?
Until tomorrow,

Simon Black
Senior Editor,
Senior Editor,
Write if you'd like to see that Complete list of DHS monitoring keywords! Simply type "WORDS" in your SUbject Bar.
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