Stories from Survival Center
Burglar Prep Plan
Gun control advocates probably don't like stories like this.
It's 3.30 a.m. when the family dog barks because a burglar has entered the ground floor of a house in Portland. The owner wakes, grabs a shotgun and fires a shot towards the downstairs hallway.
The burglar leaves. In a heckuva a hurry.
"There is no evidence to indicate that the burglar was struck by the shotgun blast."
A car was heard to speed away...probably heading for the laundromat.
(Ideally, you'd dial 911 and have the dispatcher on the phone as you yell at the burglar that you have a gun and all that, but in this case, action - and "gun control" - spoke somewhat louder than words). The cops might arrive AFTER you and your family were killed and would spend time trying to find who did it. Sorry, too late.
Sun Burn of the worst kind
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -- "Twin satellites rocketed into orbit Thursday on a quest to explore Earth's treacherous radiation belts and protect the planet from solar outbursts."
Actually, there is absolutely no way on earth to protect Earth from solar flares that NASA knows will knock out the power grid if they're big enough - and they've been warning us for years that the current solar cycle has yet to reach a peak...sometime in the next few months.
t would be wise, although difficult, to imagine how you'd cope with a world without electricity, and then make a genuine effort to be prepared in advance. We may only have a short time left.
Super Storms - Drought and Famine
The fact that US government departments are buying over a billion (yes, that's right, over a billion) rounds of hollow point handgun ammunition has caught some people's attention recently. So has this push for US military intervention in Syria, and the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran sometime in October, before the US presidential election. That's their logical time to do so because it would force President Obama to back Israel.
But let's accept that these events and all the associated media hoopla are a distraction from more serious matters, such as the fact, and it is a fact, that 60 per cent of the US is in drought conditions - while at the same time, there has been amassive increase in super-storms.
The combined effect of these natural events will be severe crop damage, massive food shortages, associated price hikes, including gasoline, and potentially, famine on an unprecedented scale.
Think about that. Be prepared.
And in case you're tempted to dismiss this as 'scaremongering,' take a look back at what super-storms have done in just the past two
years [Article here] and ask yourself whether you'd be prepared when/if disaster were to strike your area.
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