The following "Taste of Preparedness" checklist was made available by GOFoods. Print it and start checking!
Taste of Preparedness
GOFoods Emergency Preparedness Checklist
Putting together a preparedness plan for disasters or emergencies can serve you and your family well in any circumstance. Whether you are facing a natural disaster, a fire in your home, an economic hardship, or any other emergency, it’s a good idea to plan in advance. Learn how to protect yourself and handle disasters by planning ahead.
This GOFoods checklist will help you get started. You should discuss these ideas with your family and have them help prepare an emergency plan. Post the plan where everyone will see it.
Prepare a Disaster Supplies Kit Include:
__ Make sure you have enough food to provide your family for an extended period of time. GOFoods’ 1, 3, and 6 Month Packs are perfect for this. You’ll also want to add a heat or cooking source including matches in a waterproof container.
__ A supply of water, 1 -2 gallons per person per day. A water filtration system is also an excellent addition to your kit. Water is critical for drinking, sanitation and cooking.
__ A change of clothing and shoes. Seasonal weather attire (coats, rain jackets, etc.).
__ Blankets and ponchos.
__ First aid kit and medications.
__ Sanitation items including soap, tooth brush & toothpaste, disinfectant, toilet tissue, disposable razors, pre-
moistened towelettes, household chorine bleach, feminine hygiene items, dusk masks, and latex gloves. q Extra pair of glasses.
__ Cash.
__ Extra set of keys (car and home).
__ Prepare an emergency car kit. Include GOFoods, water, battery powered radio, flashlight, and extra
batteries, small fire extinguisher, first aid kit, blanket, tire repair kit, maps, shovels and emergency flares. q Any special items for family members (diapers and formula for infants, item for any disabled household
member, etc.).
__ Keep copies of important family records and documents in fire and water-proof container. q Pet food and water.__ Paper, pencils, books, games and other activities for kids.
Make an Emergency Plan:
__ Contact your local emergency management office (or Red Cross Chapter) to find out what types of disasters could occur in your area.
__ Find out of there is a community alert system and how you would be warned.
__ Meet with your family to discuss the various types of disasters that can happen (fire, earthquake, sever
weather, and other forms of disasters and emergencies).
__ Post emergency phone numbers by the phone. Teach younger children when and how to call 911. q Talk to your family members about preparedness and how to respond calmly in the case of an
emergency. Discuss and map-out a simple plan.
__ Make sure each family member keeps a family photo with him or her.
__ Draw a home floor plan and choose at least two escape routes.
__ Make sure you know how to shut off the water, gas and electricity. Show family members how to turn
these off as well.
__ Identify two meeting places, one by your home and one away from your neighborhood in the event
you can’t return to the house. Select a friend or relative who lives out-of-state as your “family check-in contact”. Upon evacuation or emergency each family member can call and check in. Familiarize yourself with designated evacuation routes and protocols in your neighborhood and town.
__ Prepare food and emergency kits to keep in your vehicles, for your kids in college, for seniors, etc.
__ Make sure that each member of your family knows your preparedness plan. Practice your plan often and
update it when needed.
With a simple, but clear preparedness plan, and food packs from GOFoods, you can ensure you and your loved ones are prepared for whatever challenge or disaster may come your way.
It’s time. Be prepared. Don’t wait — start working on your preparedness plan today.
GOFoods Emergency Preparedness Checklist
Putting together a preparedness plan for disasters or emergencies can serve you and your family well in any circumstance. Whether you are facing a natural disaster, a fire in your home, an economic hardship, or any other emergency, it’s a good idea to plan in advance. Learn how to protect yourself and handle disasters by planning ahead.
This GOFoods checklist will help you get started. You should discuss these ideas with your family and have them help prepare an emergency plan. Post the plan where everyone will see it.
Prepare a Disaster Supplies Kit Include:
__ Make sure you have enough food to provide your family for an extended period of time. GOFoods’ 1, 3, and 6 Month Packs are perfect for this. You’ll also want to add a heat or cooking source including matches in a waterproof container.
__ A supply of water, 1 -2 gallons per person per day. A water filtration system is also an excellent addition to your kit. Water is critical for drinking, sanitation and cooking.
__ A change of clothing and shoes. Seasonal weather attire (coats, rain jackets, etc.).
__ Blankets and ponchos.
__ First aid kit and medications.
__ Sanitation items including soap, tooth brush & toothpaste, disinfectant, toilet tissue, disposable razors, pre-
moistened towelettes, household chorine bleach, feminine hygiene items, dusk masks, and latex gloves. q Extra pair of glasses.
__ Cash.
__ Extra set of keys (car and home).
__ Prepare an emergency car kit. Include GOFoods, water, battery powered radio, flashlight, and extra
batteries, small fire extinguisher, first aid kit, blanket, tire repair kit, maps, shovels and emergency flares. q Any special items for family members (diapers and formula for infants, item for any disabled household
member, etc.).
__ Keep copies of important family records and documents in fire and water-proof container. q Pet food and water.__ Paper, pencils, books, games and other activities for kids.
Make an Emergency Plan:
__ Contact your local emergency management office (or Red Cross Chapter) to find out what types of disasters could occur in your area.
__ Find out of there is a community alert system and how you would be warned.
__ Meet with your family to discuss the various types of disasters that can happen (fire, earthquake, sever
weather, and other forms of disasters and emergencies).
__ Post emergency phone numbers by the phone. Teach younger children when and how to call 911. q Talk to your family members about preparedness and how to respond calmly in the case of an
emergency. Discuss and map-out a simple plan.
__ Make sure each family member keeps a family photo with him or her.
__ Draw a home floor plan and choose at least two escape routes.
__ Make sure you know how to shut off the water, gas and electricity. Show family members how to turn
these off as well.
__ Identify two meeting places, one by your home and one away from your neighborhood in the event
you can’t return to the house. Select a friend or relative who lives out-of-state as your “family check-in contact”. Upon evacuation or emergency each family member can call and check in. Familiarize yourself with designated evacuation routes and protocols in your neighborhood and town.
__ Prepare food and emergency kits to keep in your vehicles, for your kids in college, for seniors, etc.
__ Make sure that each member of your family knows your preparedness plan. Practice your plan often and
update it when needed.
With a simple, but clear preparedness plan, and food packs from GOFoods, you can ensure you and your loved ones are prepared for whatever challenge or disaster may come your way.
It’s time. Be prepared. Don’t wait — start working on your preparedness plan today.
©2012 GOFoods Global. All Rights Reserved.
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