Dec 4th, 2012
December 21 2012:Two Points Of View
With 2012 fast coming to a close, and that mysterious date December 21 just a few days away, it's natural to wonder what to expect. Something? Or nothing?
It is imperative that we be aware that there are at least two sides to the 12/21/12 story.
There is the official version, in this case from NASA, that all is well and you're a loonytune if you think otherwise.
But what have we been preparing for, and why?
When it comes to possible future events that could disrupt our lives, you're no doubt fully aware of all the potentials, including those that have been spelled out by the guests on the "Doomsday Preppers" Tv series.
Yellowstone might blow. The economy might blow. Earthquakes, tsunamis, solar storms - which you'll see a Goddard Space Center scientist actually deny because "there is no evidence" that the solar maximum in May next year will produce anything out of the ordinary.
How dumb is that? Telling us there is "no evidence" about a major X-class flare that could wipe out the grid and set us back to the stone age - when the very same organization has spent who knows how much time and money generating a report in 2011 that said ""A similar storm (to the Carrington event of 1859) today might knock us for a loop."
That was Lika Guhathakurta, a solar physicist at NASA headquarters. She said "Modern society depends on high-tech systems such as smart power grids, GPS, and satellite communications--all of which are vulnerable to solar storms."
Yet the closer we get to such an event, the more we hear denials from the very people who should be warning the public at large that perilous times should be prepared for.
We give you both sides of the Dec 21 2012 scenario in this issue. Please be sure to follow the links. You'll learn a great deal. We provide the information. You decide what to believe - what to do.
NASA And Maya

However, unlike the Julian and Gregorian calendars with which we are familiar, it is based on a totally different understanding of time. Rather than days and weeks and months and years, it deals with ages - very very long ages or cycles of planetary and even galactic changes. What's happening, according to their calendar, is that we're moving from one age into another.
But how did they know that such ages are 25,000 years long (just for starters), and that the Earth and its people are intimately connected to and affected by the planets and sun of our solar system, which in turn is influenced by its relationship to the vastness of the Milky Way?
Pragmatically, in this YouTube video from the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA insists there is nothing to worry about on December 21, that there is no evidence to support concerns about Planet X (they call that a fiction), that despite the sun reaching its maximum in this cycle in May 2013 there will be no major solar storms to knock out the grid, and that there are no planetary alignments to worry about this month so there won't be any huge tides to destroy cities, nor, says this NASA spokesman, will there be a shift in the earth's axis, or the magnetic pole.
Accept what he says if you wish.
Or you can go to another YouTube video in which Ac Tah, a direct descendant of the Maya gives his explanation of what is likely to happen on December 21, or within that time-frame. Things like major 'quakes as the tectonic plates split.

But it's not the end of the world. According to the Maya, it's the beginning of a New Age - which wouldn't be a bad thing if it puts an end to the wars and planetary destruction this civilization is addicted to.
Interestingly, what Ac Tah has to say (through his excellent interpreter) has a lot to do with what scientists intend to use the Hadron Collider for at that time. And oddly enough, the Collider (pictured above right) looks very much like the Mayan Calendar...strange indeed.
Please check it out. Decide for yourself....Be Prepared in whatever way you see fit.
And remember. This is information only. It is intended to provide you with some knowledge about what might be coming, so you can make your own informed choices.
You might even choose to pass this newsletter on, once you've watched those videos, to others who might also be interested in what we might expect around December 21 2012 - just a matter of weeks away.
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